Reconstruction of the Eastern Main Canal

Customer: Közé-Tisza rural Vízpító és Telekommunkiációs Kft.

Local produce and craft market and ice rink

Customer: Hajdúszoboszló City Municipality

Hajdúszoboszló fall, Bakonszeg water dispenser, KVII.Kosely water discharge channel reconstruction

Customer: Közé-Tisza rural Vízpító és Telekommunkiációs Kft.

White Colony, Branch, Tiszacsege Wastewater treatment plants

Customer: Colas Alterra Zrt.

Development and reconstruction of inland waterways (389 Km)

Customer: National Directorate General of Water Affairs

Reconstruction of Kálvin Square and its surroundings

Customer: Hajdúszoboszló City Municipality


Reconstruction of the Jászság water management system I.

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
National Directorate General of Water Affairs 8500 fm kotras, 20 piece of art reconstruction 2018.06.29 2020.02.04

Development and reconstruction of inland water protection pumping stations- Northern Great Plain I.
Harangodi reservoir, Hejő main channel

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
National Directorate General of Water Affairs 18 renovation of a pumping station 2017.11.24 2020.03.30

OVF Development and reconstruction of internal sewers I.
(Bácsborsód reservoir, Harangod Reservoir, Hejo-
main channel)

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
National Directorate General of Water Affairs 180000 m3 reservoir reconstruction, 200000 m3 new reservoir construction, 27 pieces of art 2019.08.30 2022.01.31

KMNPI Kígyósi wasteland area – rehabilitation works of wetlands and kurgan field

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Körös-Maros National Park Directorate 495899 m2 arrangement of land 2019.06.04 2020.09.14

KMNPI Kígyósi wasteland area- construction of a summer shelter

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Körös-Maros National Park Directorate animal farm service facilities 2019.05.01 2020.02.16

Sio channel, Nador channel, Restoration of the protection works of Völgységi-patak

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
National Directorate General of Water Affairs 100,85 fkm 2019.04.17 2020.07.17

Reconstruction of Hejókürt pumping station and building

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
National Directorate General of Water Affairs 3 pc pump replacement, 3 pressure pipe replacement (96fm), 3 installation of a mobile crane, pump house renovation 2019.07.04 2021.02.28

TIVIZIG- Dredging of the Zzoldosdűlő canal, landfill arrangement

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Tiszántúl Water Directorate 1555 fm 2019.07.15 2019.12.01

Modernization of Derecskei main channel

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
National Directorate General of Water Affairs 5244 fm channel overlay, 22715fm kotras, 800fm new channel 2018.09.03 2019.12.01


+36 (52) 272-765
