Reconstruction of the Eastern Main Canal

Customer: Közé-Tisza rural Vízpító és Telekommunkiációs Kft.

Local produce and craft market and ice rink

Customer: Hajdúszoboszló City Municipality

Hajdúszoboszló fall, Bakonszeg water dispenser, KVII.Kosely water discharge channel reconstruction

Customer: Közé-Tisza rural Vízpító és Telekommunkiációs Kft.

White Colony, Branch, Tiszacsege Wastewater treatment plants

Customer: Colas Alterra Zrt.

Development and reconstruction of inland waterways (389 Km)

Customer: National Directorate General of Water Affairs

Reconstruction of Kálvin Square and its surroundings

Customer: Hajdúszoboszló City Municipality


Construction of a Hage manure tray

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
HAGE Ltd. 3527 m2 2017.05.24. 2017.10.31.

Reconstruction of the Eastern Main Canal

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Közé-Tisza rural Vízpító és Telekommunkiációs Kft. Hajdúszoboszló fall, Bakonszeg water dispenser, KVII. Kosely water discharge canal 2017.02.20. 2019.09.24.

Renovation of Luther Street in Hajdúszoboszló

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Hajdúszoboszló City Municipality 4495 m2 2017.06.13. 2017.09.30.

EMVIZIG Tisza jp and Tiszavalki main canal dredging

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Water Administration of Northern Hungary 3143 m 2017.07.20. 2017.10.31.

ANPI World Heritage Caves

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Aggtelek National Park Directorate 2017.09.20. 2019.02.28.

TIVIZIG Biharkeresztes neighborhood canal is cortás

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Tiszántúl Water Directorate 7648 m 2017.11.06. 2017.12.10.

Recycling of thermal and medicinal waters

Customer Basic data Starting time Completion date
Hungarospa Hajdúszoboszlói Zrt. Individual containerized water treatment equipment 2017.09.28. 2017.12.31.


+36 (52) 272-765
