Reconstruction of the Eastern Main Canal Customer: Közé-Tisza rural Vízpító és Telekommunkiációs Kft. Local produce and craft market and ice rink Customer: Hajdúszoboszló City Municipality Hajdúszoboszló fall, Bakonszeg water dispenser, KVII.Kosely water discharge channel reconstruction Customer: Közé-Tisza rural Vízpító és Telekommunkiációs Kft. White Colony, Branch, Tiszacsege Wastewater treatment plants Customer: Colas Alterra Zrt. Development and reconstruction of inland waterways (389 Km) Customer: National Directorate General of Water Affairs Reconstruction of Kálvin Square and its surroundings Customer: Hajdúszoboszló City Municipality REQUEST FOR Name Company name/Institution name Name of the contact person * Settlement * Phone number * E-mail address * Subject of request for quotation *